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About Us

The New Ashley Baptist Sunday School and Baptist Training Union (BTU) Congress of Christian Education was formed four years after the New Ashley Missionary Baptist Association (NAMBSSC). Written records indicate the official year of initial service for the Sunday School BTU Congress as 1890.


The mission of the New Ashley Missionary Baptist Sunday School and Baptist Training Union Congress is to educate and train church members in all facets of Baptist doctrine. The annual agenda consists of training sessions, participation in events relative to the State Congress, Morris and Benedict College, Jenkins Orphanage, and the local Baptist Education Center. In addition, the New Ashley Missionary Baptist Sunday School & BTU Congress provides an annual scholarship to NAMBSSC students who are accepted to matriculate at institutions of higher learning.

Leadership team members of the Congress work jointly with the youth department and  and the Education Committee, as such they become members of the subcommittees for the Sunday School and BTU Congress for Temperance, Time and Place, Betterment, and Education.

Our Officers:
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Reverend Albert Mack
Reverend Dr. Walter Jenkins
Sister Georgetta Simmons
Reverend Dr. Clifford H. Brown

Vice President

Assistant Dean


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